ISO 9001:2015

The new standard published in the month of September, 2015. ISO 9001:2015 is based on new High Level Structure (HLS) that brings a common framework to all management system standards. This helps to keep consistency, alignment different management system standards, offer matching sub-clauses against the top-level structure and apply common language across all standards.

The key changes in the standard are:

  • The emphasis on leadership
  • The focus on risk management
  • Emphasis on objectives measurement and change
  • Communication and awareness
  • Fewer prescriptive requirements

With the new standard in place, organizations will find it easier to incorporate their quality management system into the core business processes and gain greater business benefit.

ISO 9001:2015 Revision:

Business has changed radically since the last major revision in 2000; technology has changed how we work, geographical boundaries are almost insignificant in today’s global economy, supply chains are increasingly complex and the information available has multiplied exponentially.

To ensure that ISO 9001 continues to serve the business community and maintain its relevance in today’s market place, the standard is being revised to address the change in the business world.

One thing remains constant, to be successful, businesses have to adapt to meet the growing needs of customers. ISO was originally written with the customer in mind and that remains the priority for ISO 9001:2015.

What is ISO 9001:2015?

ISO 9001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. It is the most popular standard in the ISO 9000 series and the only standard in the series to which organizations can certify.

ISO 9001 was first published in 1987 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), an international agency composed of the national standards bodies of more than 160 countries. The current version of ISO 9001 was released in September 2015.

Who should use the ISO 9001:2015 revision?

ISO 9001:2015 applies to any organization, regardless of size or industry. More than one million organizations from more than 160 countries have applied the ISO 9001 standard requirements to their quality management systems.

Organizations of all types and sizes find that using the ISO 9001 standard helps them:

  • Organize processes
  • Improve the efficiency of processes
  • Continually improve

All organizations that use ISO 9001 are encouraged to transition to ISO 9001:2015 as soon as possible. This includes not only organizations that are certified to ISO 9001:2008, but also any organizations involved in training or certifying others.

Why is ISO 9001 being revised?

All ISO standards are reviewed every five years to determine whether a revision is necessary to keep it current and relevant for the marketplace. ISO 9001:2015 will respond to the latest trends and be compatible with other management system standards, such as ISO 14001 (which has also been revised).

I am certified to ISO 9001:2008. What does this mean for me?

Organizations have a three-year transition period (before September 2018) to align their quality management system with the new standard.





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